To The Fog
1 channel video (5min.37sec. / 2.35:1)
"To The Fog" is a requiem, farewell speech, and memorial to a loss in the pandemic.
As the loss of a family member becomes public tragedy when it's caused by COVID-19, we are facing the new reality, where the sense of direction in time and space has been lost: the unrealistic reality.
In the work, Tateisi sits on a beach next to a horn speaker, announces his experience, which public and private, static and dynamic, real and unreal are entangled, publicly to the fog, which distancelessly connects our countries.
Referring to Antony Gormley's 'Another place' and Hiroshi Sugimoto's 'Seascapes', Tateisi carefully composes the image of another seascape.
「To The Fog」は、2020年春に作家身辺で起きた悲劇へのメモリアル作品である。
To The Fog
1 channel video (5min.37sec. / 2.35:1 )
To Yoshio Tateishi
To The Fog
1チャンネル・ビデオ(5分37秒 / 2.35:1)